4 Closed Head Polyethylene Drums

Ad Copy - My Original Work - September 25, 2021

Your product may be unassuming, so do some homework and find your audience!

For this ad, my copy reads: "HEY PREPPERS!! Here are the tanks you’ve been looking for! 15 gallons each. Price is 30 for the set - heck of a deal!"

A guy in his mid-to-late 60s wearing camo and dogtags was very quick to arrive to purchase these tanks.

In recent years I've noticed Facebook Marketplace has taken its seat at the head of the table in resale of used items. Other sites also do well, but Marketplace appears to have all but replaced the once go-to Craigslist in this realm. One thing I really enjoy about such sites is the ability to use them in any market. For these tanks, I was in Las Vegas liquidating an estate. As you can see, these are SOLD.

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